Vision & Values
At Collingwood College, our values are the compass for our learning community. We demonstrate our values through our behaviour, decisions, and interactions with one another.

We respect and value the social, linguistic, religious, financial, academic, and cultural diversity of our learning community. Our ability to embrace diversity is demonstrated through how we value uncertainty, subjectivity, participation, intuition, insight, and imagination to develop and deliver a curriculum that meets all student needs. We offer a place for everyone.

We understand that creativity is the key for exploring the world. We encourage young people to take the lead and embrace curiosity, and to question and challenge traditional ways of seeing and being. We create conditions for adventurous exploration of ideas and for constructive reflection.

Innovation is embedded as the foundation of our learning community. We’re open to new working structures, learning environments, collaborations, advanced technology, pedagogies, and an integrated curriculum. We approach change and unforeseen circumstances in a positive and proactive way.

We believe that that life-long education involves developing a deep understanding of our relationships – with ourselves and others. While education must focus on the needs of the individual, it cannot be considered in isolation of the family, the College, and the broader community.

We expect all members of our learning community to strive to achieve their personal best. We support them by creating a climate that constantly articulates high expectations for all. We celebrate the individual and collective achievements of our students as well as members of our community.